29.9.2018 International Dogshow in Tulln Austria, Crufts Qualification

We started with our show team, this time Liilo (Tjotte’s Deep Purple), Grüffelo (Antalas Make you love me) and Miss Kitty (Travellins Cherokee Rose) early in the morning and had a lot of fun at this perfect organised show. Miss Kitty was placed 2nd with Res. CC in Champion Class, Liilo could win a strong Champion Class, got CC and later Res. CACIB.
Our little Grüffelo won Youthclass, got Youth CC – „Jugendbester“ and the Crufts Qualification.

While we had a great time in Austria Solomon (Handle with care Anakin Skywalker) passed the Bringleistungsprüfung and is now qualified in the field. Congratulations to Daggi Sather!

By |2018-12-02T21:45:25+02:00September 29th, 2018|Allgemein|0 Comments