812, 2019

By |Dezember 8th, 2019|Categories: Allgemein|0 Comments

For the last time in 2019 we entered the ring: *Solomon* - Handle with care Anakin Skywalker won working class - now just one ticket is missing for his 2nd Championtitel (VDH). *Grüffelo* - Antalas [...]

712, 2019

By |Dezember 7th, 2019|Categories: Allgemein|0 Comments

We had a wonderful day at international dog show at Wels, Austria. *Solomon* - Handle with care Anakin Skywalker won workingclass, *Grüffelo* - Antalas make you love me was placed 2nd in a very strong [...]

3010, 2019

By |Oktober 30th, 2019|Categories: Allgemein|0 Comments

Liilo and three of his sons. From left to right: *Liilo* Dt.Ch.VDH and DRC, German Winner '17, Sieger Schloss Castell '19 Tjotte's Deep Purple *Solomon* Dt.Ch.DRC Handle with care Anakin Skywalker, qualified in the field [...]

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